Florida Cruise Ship Passengers Challenge Coronavirus Quarantine in Court

No one is safe from the expanding COVID-19 outbreak, including people at sea who expected the trip of a lifetime and got more than they bargained for. Ronald and Eva Weissberger were aboard the Grand Princess when she left Oakland bound for Hawaii. At least two people on board were infected but Princess Cruises told no one, according to the …

Can You be Found Negligent if You Failed to Wear a Bicycle Helmet?

Having a bicycle helmet is a smart investment in your safety if you enjoy bicycling. Regardless of your age, especially in Florida, you need to have a helmet for your own safety. The Sunshine State has a reputation for being the most dangerous in the United States for cyclists. Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety show that thousands …

Who is Liable in a School Bus Accident?

A school bus carrying nine students crashed into a swimming pool near Orlando. The crash occurred as the bus was heading to the school and a Jeep swerved resulting in the crash. The bus traveled through a lawn in the Pine Hills area before crashing into the pool. None of the nine children on the bus nor the driver were …

What is the Process for Medical Malpractice Settlements?

Medical malpractice is much more common than most people realize, and sadly, those who seek compensation by filing a claim for medical malpractice may find it difficult to win such a case at trial. These cases often lead to negotiated settlements. However, with an experienced and aggressive Florida medical malpractice attorney, these settlements can still lead to just compensation for …

What are My Rights if I Have Been Injured in a Florida Vacation Accident?

If you have been injured while visiting Florida for vacation, you may wonder if you are able to collect compensation for your injuries from a different state. The answer is yes. You have the right to collect compensation for your injuries even if you are not a resident of Florida. Each year, some 100 million people take vacations to Florida …

What is the Defense Base Act of 1941?

Longshoremen, harbor workers, and civilian military base employees face many workplace hazards each and every day. From repetitive strain injuries, to unsafe work conditions, even illnesses or death due to protracted exposure to hazardous materials, the danger exists that employees may go to work but never return home. The Defense Base Act of 1941 ensures that these hard-working people, along …

What is Vicarious Liability and What Does it Have to do with Personal Injury Claims?

An employee at an assisted living facility in Central Florida stabbed a patient with dementia with a fork Monday before fleeing from the facility. The employee, Jessica Stephenson, was seen in security footage stabbing the 76-year-old patient’s hand several times according to the Haines City Police Department. The assisted living facility reported that the patient has a mental capacity of …

Who can be Held Liable in an Aviation Accident?

John Caswell and Stephen Fox had flown planes thousands of hours, but federal records say that neither of them was certified to fly the Dassault Falcon 50 jet that killed both of them in a recent accident. Two of their passengers were also injured. Pilots earn their certifications from the FAA once they have completed a certain number of hours …

Could Failure to Install a Generator Constitute Neglect in Florida Nursing Homes?

Another hurricane season is in full swing, and most of Florida’s assisted living facilities and nursing homes still are not in compliance with laws put into effect last year after Hurricane Irma. State requirements for adding generators to these long-term care facilities were mandated after 14 residents died last year after their nursing home lost power in the wake of …