Can Doctor Fatigue Lead to Malpractice?

When people get injured, they put their trust in the medical professionals that will wind up treating them. Whether it’s nurses, doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, health care providers have a great deal of responsibility when they work with patients. In fact, because an accident or injury can happen at any time, a number of medical professionals need to be on call …

The Most Common Slip and Fall Accident Locations

Few people, if any, embark on their daily errands knowing that they will be the victim of a slip and fall accident. While there can be various injuries associated with slip and fall accidents, such as neck injuries, fractured bones, and muscle damage, the truth is that a slip and fall accident can happen almost anywhere. Being aware of the …

Cleanliness, Sanitation, and Medical Malpractice

A lesser known type of medical malpractice is that which arises from deficient hospital cleanliness and sanitation. Hospitals and medical facilities that are inadequately cleaned and sanitized can lead to dangerous infections and illnesses. Medical Malpractice Is A Type of Negligence Medical malpractice occurs when a patient suffers an injury as a result of a physician or other healthcare professional …

Understanding Pedestrian Accidents – Do Pedestrians Always Have The Right Of Way?

A 4-way stop, cars, pedestrians – it’s one of the most commonplace occurrences, and yet there is confusion regard right-of-way. Unfortunately, the concern is not merely technical or procedural. Every year, individuals are injured in pedestrian-vehicle accidents. 4-way stops aren’t the only accident scene; pedestrians are also injured while attempting to cross highways and other roads. For both pedestrians and …

What Is The “Burden Of Proof” In Injury Cases And How Do You Meet It?

When a plaintiff brings an injury claim against a defendant, the plaintiff must meet a “burden of proof” in order to succeed. To meet this burden is to convince the judge or jury that the defendant should be held responsible for causing the injuries at issue, and a result be ordered to pay damages in the form of financial compensation …

What Are “Future Damages” And How Are They Calculated In An Injury Case?

In the civil justice system, damages are available to a plaintiff who proves that a defendant has committed a wrong against them. The civil justice system is different than the criminal justice system, as it is concerned with the law of contracts and torts. There are many types of damages available, depending on the nature and ramifications of the wrong …

“Chemical Restraints” & The Overuse of Antipsychotic Drugs In Nursing Homes

A cause for increasing concern in the nation’s nursing homes is the use of antipsychotic drugs to control the behavior of elders. They are sometimes termed “chemical restraints.” In fact, any drug that is “used for discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms” is a chemical restraint. Use of these drugs in this way often violates the …

Another Case Won by Brill and Rinaldi

Brill and Rinaldi win a negligence class action case in tandem with Jay Cohen, The Law Office of Jay Cohen, William Rieder Jr., with The Downs Law Group involving up to 1,850 patience.  We negotiated a $14 Million settlement to help those who are seeking justice. The case was approved on March 23rd. This will give a total of $5,000 …

Can You Recover Punitive Damages If Hurt By A Drunk Driver

Drunk Driving & “Recklessness” In Florida, an individual injured by a drunk driver may be allowed by court to pursue punitive damages against the drunk driver. This post explores the nature of punitive damages, and the ways in which they may be recovered in Florida drunk driving-related personal injury lawsuits. When another person has committed a wrongful act against you …

Understanding the “Discovery Rule” & Florida Medical Malpractice Law

The process of discovery is key to personal injury and medical practice cases. It provides both parties with the information and evidence necessary for the case to proceed. This is often done by making requests for admissions and depositions, production of documents, and answers to interrogatories. Discovery allows the parties to investigate each other’s claims and shapes the case itself. …