Road Rage in Florida

The two most common causes of car accidents in Florida are negligence and distracted driving, but a third leading cause of accidents is road rage. “Road rage,” as a term, came into popular use in the late 1980s when a string of traffic-related shootings occurred in the Los Angeles, California area. Today, it typically refers to aggressive driving including tailgating, …

Florida Highway Patrol Launching Aggressive Driving Campaign

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) has announced a new safety program called Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) under which they will be attempting to reduce crashes and injuries involving commercial vehicles. The program includes outreach and targeted enforcement. 88% of the time, fatal crashes involving large commercial trucks are caused by driver error, as opposed to vehicle defects or …

Seniors Drivers

According to a 1997 NHTSA study, when people over 65 made up 9% of the population, they accounted for 14% of the traffic fatalities. According to USA Today, analysts predict that by 2030 people over 65 will be involved in 25% of all traffic fatalities. This is partially due to the fact that the older population is growing faster than …

Do Talking and Texting Bans Actually Prevent Accidents?

States across the U.S. have passed various types of bans on texting and cellphone use while driving. 14 states (not including Florida), plus D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have banned hand-held cell phone usage and have made it a primary enforcement law so that officers can cite you for this alone. In those states, you have …

Uber, Lyft, and Liability

Taxicab drivers are employees of the taxi company for which they drive. The taxi company generally insures both the employee and the vehicle. If the driver is injured on the job, he or she can make a workers’ compensation claim. If he or she gets into an accident, the taxi’s insurance policy covers all injured parties or property. This is …

Self-Driving Cars: Are They Safer?

According to studies, 90% of car crashes are caused by human error. Lawmakers, insurers, and manufacturers would like to prevent as many accidents as possible, so as technology marches forward, cars receive more sophisticated automation features. Some popular features include parking assistance, electronic stability control, blind-spot monitors, collision warning systems, and lane departure warning systems. Microchip and software maker, Mobileye, …

Speed Limits Can Not Always Prevent Car Accidents

We rely on speed limits to keep us safe by regulating the flow of traffic and discouraging drivers from traveling at dangerous speeds. Unfortunately, however, speed limits alone cannot prevent all car accidents. This is because, while speed limits have a limiting effect upon the speeds at which individuals drive, they do not regulate or anticipate all the forms of …

Truck Crash Avoidance Technology May Be Coming

There is good news for Florida’s drivers: Truck crash avoidance technology may soon be available.  Installation of collision avoidance and mitigation braking technology in new trucks and buses rated at 10, 000 pounds or more GVW may soon be required by the National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The new technology, termed “F-CAM” systems, is expected to significantly decrease truck-related crashes. …

Who Can File/Settle a Claim in Florida if a Minor is Injured?

In Florida, the resolution of a personal injury or wrongful death claim takes on an additional degree of complexity when the individual harmed is a minor. This complexity takes the form of additional procedural requirements imposed by state law. A personal injury claim arises when one is injured by the carelessness, recklessness, or the intentionally wrongful act of another. A …