Road Hazards in Florida

When it comes to driving, some parts of the country are more dangerous than others. For example, Florida is rated as one of the most dangerous states for teen drivers, ranking at #5. One of the main issues is that Florida does not ban cell phone use for teens, despite the fact that distracted driving is a huge problem in …

Eight Bystanders Help Rescue Occupants of Flipped SUV

The impact of a car accident can cause the vehicle to hit an object or another vehicle, go off the road, or even flip over. An SUV recently flipped over in Daytona Beach, prompting many bystanders to help get the vehicle upright and help the occupants. The incident happened on March 26. A gray SUV blew a red light at …

Wrong-Site, Wrong-Procedure, and Wrong-Patient Surgery

Doctors are expected to do what they can to help patients with illnesses and injuries. Sometimes, surgery is required to repair an injury or remove a diseased body part or organ. Surgeries are not easy, even if a doctor has done the same one a thousand times. Cutting open a person and putting them under anesthesia always comes with risks. …

Woman’s Family Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Alligator Attack

When you think of animal attacks, you may think of someone getting bitten by a dog or perhaps a mountain lion or bear if they are in the wilderness. Last year in Florida, a woman was killed by an alligator in a subdivision. The family of the woman has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent real estate company …

Florida Landscaping Company Faces Hefty Fines After Worker’s Death

Employers need to ensure that employees work in a safe environment. This is not only the law but a basic human right. Employers should not willfully cut corners on safety, especially when employers are working with tools and machinery. An employee was killed in July after being pinned underwater by a riding lawn mower in a Palmetto neighborhood. The lawn …

Florida Man Dies After Consuming Caffeinated Lemonade From Panera Bread

Many of us enjoy lemonade every now and then. While lemonade is often sweet and sugary, most of us do not think that the lemonade would contain caffeine and possibly kill us. Unfortunately, that is what happened to a Florida man. He drank Panera Bread’s Charged Lemonade, unknowingly consuming high levels of caffeine and causing him to suffer a fatal …

Common Mistakes After Car Accidents

Car accidents are daily occurrences in Florida. They can range from minor fender-benders to fatal crashes. No matter how minor the crash may be, though, it can be a scary situation. You may not know what to say or do. During the adrenaline rush, stupid things may come out of your mouth that jeopardize the situation. This is what you …

Florida Construction Accidents: What You Need to Know

The real estate and construction industries have been booming in Florida in recent years. While this is great news in many aspects, the booming industries have left the state a hot mess when it comes to workplace accidents. Many construction workers are catastrophically injured or even killed, leaving their families devastated. Between 2007 and 2011, there were an average of …

Childbirth Injuries and Medical Malpractice

Childbirth can be an exciting experience, especially for first-time parents. While babies are born every day in the United States, a lot can still go wrong. One wrong move could cause serious damage to the mother or baby. Mothers often become injured during labor and delivery. They may suffer tears in the perineal area, which is located between the vagina …

More Than $260 Million Awarded in “Take Care of Maya” Case

We trust doctors to make good decisions for us when it comes to injuries and illnesses. In most cases, doctors are knowledgeable and help us with our ailments. But they do not always know best. A Florida case proves this point. A Florida civil court recently awarded Maya Kowalski and her family more than $211 million in compensatory damages as …