Laws Protect Florida’s Elderly From Abuse and Neglect

Our elderly population constitutes one of our greatest resources. Their knowledge and experience are invaluable, as are the goods and services they use which fuel our local economy. Unfortunately, they are also some of the most vulnerable members of our society when it comes to injury and, sadly, abuse. Elderly Abuse Laws When we talk of elderly abuse, we are …

Understanding Boating Laws

Most of us are well aware of the dangers of driving a car under the influence, or of the dangers that others may present to us when they drive impaired or distracted. Most of us mind all of the traffic laws and do whatever we can to stay safe behind the wheel. Many Florida residents seem to forget the safety …

Brill & Rinaldi, The Law Firm Celebrating 6 Years Of Business

The 4th of July is a special day in our country’s history.  It is the day that the Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by Congress, signifying the birth of our nation.  It is especially important to all of us here at Brill & Rinaldi, The Law Firm, for another reason, too:  It is also the day, six years ago, …

Summer and Youth Sports: Recognizing Liability When a Child is Injured

As summer comes, the weather starts to become ideal for summer sports, especially when it comes to our kids. Whether it’s youth athletic leagues, summer sports camps, or school athletic team summer practices, more and more kids will engage in summer organized leagues and sports. And with those sports come the natural risk of injury. Certainly, injury is inherent in …

Understanding Mental Anguish Damages

It is often said that the mental injuries sustained in an accident can be worse than the physical ones. But mental injury damages are often overlooked when it comes to damages in a personal injury cases. Unlike blood, bone, X-rays, or surgical notes, which can be seen and understood by juries, mental anguish and injury is often a much more …

Are Insurance Companies Dealing Fairly With You After an Accident?

In many personal injury cases, the responsible—that is, negligent—party will be large enough and soluble enough to satisfy any damages that a judge or jury orders it to pay. Big companies like supermarkets or shipping companies or larger chain retail establishments can be depended on to satisfy any judgment that is entered against them. In many cases, smaller companies—or even …

Distracted Driving and DUI Risks of Summertime

Summer is coming, and with it the usual spate of summer activities that can be fun but can also unfortunately lead to accidents and injuries. Whatever your plans are this summer, it is likely you will be on the road, whether for vacation, or just going back and forth to parties or activities. It is important to be aware of …

Holding Minors Responsible for Personal Injuries

We recently discussed the relationship between negligence and reasonableness. Negligence is often defined by what a reasonable person in the same or similar situation would or would not do. We look to community standards and human experience to make this determination. But what happens when the person that causes an accident is a minor? What standard is used then? Surely, …

The Importance of Medical Care After an Accident

When someone is injured in an accident, they often seek medical treatment for the injuries they can immediately see or feel. The severity of the injury or any pain they are experiencing will usually dictate what kind of attention they seek from medical providers. There are medical and legal reasons why you should immediately get full medical attention after an …

Why Timing Matters in Premises Liability Accident Cases

It is often said that sports are won or lost by inches or seconds. Small deviations in time and space can make all the difference. The same can be said for proving negligence in personal injury cases. The length of time a dangerous condition exists is often a crucial part of a personal injury case. Negligence and Reasonableness Remember that …