Car Accidents vs. Car Crashes: Is There a Difference?

In the English language, the words we use can import specific meanings. Balancing between strict definitions and semantics can lead to differing and confusing interpretations of common words. Nowhere do words matter more than in the law, where how language and words are used can be the difference between an accident victim recovering for injuries or being left without recovery. …

Understanding Airbags and Airbag Safety

Sometimes, inventions that were designed to make us safer, and which actually do save lives, can also cause injury. Such is the case for the automobile airbag, the device designed to protect us from impact when we are involved in a high-speed car accident. Although effective at saving lives, the airbag also can present a significant risk of injury when …

Failure to Follow Time Limits Could Lead to Loss of Insurance Benefits

In most cases, victims who are injured by the negligence of another are diligent about pursuing a claim for damages to help them during their difficult post-injury period. At the very least, they are quick to ask a qualified attorney if they have a claim. This is why in most cases, the legal time limits to bring a claim are …

Florida Leads the Nation in Increase in Car Accident Deaths

Usually, when Florida leads the nation, it is a good thing. But there are some statistics that you never want your state to lead the nation in, especially those that have to do with car accidents. By what can be described as a every significant margin, it appears that Florida is leading the entire nation in the increase in car …

New Case is a Reminder of the Importance of Experts in Slip and Fall Cases

Personal injury cases can involve delving into different fields that are often out of the expertise of an attorney or the understanding of the average juror. Injury cases can involve in-depth analysis of machinery, of standard processes or procedures in highly specialized industries, building codes, or medicine. You can not prove a mistake was made in a surgery without understanding …

Proper Procedure is Necessary to Make Medical Malpractice Claims

If you listen to the media, you may think that suing a doctor for malpractice is as easy as filing a lawsuit and collecting your money. The public seems to have a perception that these are easy cases, where victims are awarded millions of dollars for dubious claims (or even that too much money is awarded even for legitimate claims …

Unique Issues in School Liability for Injuries to Students

When we send our kids to school, we entrust our most vulnerable family members to the care and supervision of others. We generally trust schools and school boards to create a safe environment for our kids that is free from dangers and risk of injury, but as in most situations, accidents can and do occur. This is especially true in …

When is a School Liable for Injuries to Student Athletes?

For many, being a student athlete is one of the most rewarding aspects of their school experience. School athletics can teach our children discipline, hard work, teamwork and leadership. It is certainly reasonable to think that when a student plays scholastic sports, they are playing under the auspice of a responsible, safety-focused entity. In fact, in many cases school boards …

Horse and Equine Injuries: Who is Liable and When?

When we think of Florida recreation, we often think of things like boating, golfing, cycling, or swimming. But there is a large population in the state that participates in equine-related activities. Our climate and ample regions of open farmland make Florida a prime area for the raising and enjoyment of horses, and recreation related to them. Inherent Dangers to Equine …

Who is Liable When Self-Driving Cars Crash?

Law can sometimes be slow to catch up to technology. The rights of businesses and parties are often left to judges and juries that may not have full understanding of new technologies that the general public may not even fully understand. If you search “cell phones and the constitution” online you will find that criminal laws are still trying to …