Liability When Self-Driving Cars Make Moral Decisions

The law and morality are closely intertwined in the world of personal injury law. The law strives to do what is right, both for the individual but also while balancing the needs of society. Emerging technology is raising some serious moral questions that could have serious legal consequences when it comes to self-driving cars. The Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars We …

Lack of Seat Belt Usage Still Prevalent in Florida Accidents

Sometimes it feels like the same topics come up over and over again when it comes to automobile safety and car crashes. Sometimes that is understandable, such as with new or evolving developments in law and technology. But when it comes up over and over again with tested ways to keep a family safe, it can only leave you wondering …

Fraud on the Court Almost Gets Case Dismissed

One of the biggest concerns that an injury victim may have in court—or that anybody that ends up in a trial may have—is what happens if the other side just lies? What motivation is there for someone to tell the truth? Certainly, there is the risk of a criminal conviction for perjury. But in the short term, our legal system …

Negligent Entrustment is a Powerful Theory of Recovery for Accident Victims

When we think of negligence, we often think in terms of direct negligence. That is, we think of the driver that carelessly hits someone else, the doctor that errantly fails to perform a procedure, or a nursing home staff member who abuses a resident. There is an entirely separate category of negligence, however, that is often referred to as indirect …

Florida Ranks High in New Distracted Driving Study

Once again, it seems that Florida has found itself on the top of a national rankings study in which it probably does not want to be featured. Despite the repeated warnings from law enforcement and safety officials about the dangers of distracted driving, a recent study found that Florida drivers are some of the worst in the nation. New Study …

United Airlines Lawsuit Has Applications in Many Areas of Personal Injury Law

Just over a week ago, a man was forcefully removed from his seat in a United Airlines plane. A lawsuit is now ensuing, which brings up interesting issues that can apply not just to those injured while on an airline, but have widespread application to many different areas of personal injury law. Man Forcibly Removed From Plane As you may …

Florida Supreme Court Upholds Confidentiality Between Injury Victims and Attorneys

Many of us know, whether from TV or from common sense, that whatever we say to our attorneys is absolutely privileged and confidential. With limited exception, attorneys are prohibited from ever disclosing what clients tell them. This allows clients to receive the full benefit of an attorney’s representation, as an attorney must know all the facts of a case, in …

Medical Malpractice vs. Ordinary Negligence

We often discuss medical malpractice, as does the media, and many people are aware of what it is and how to spot when it may be occurring. Do you really know what medical malpractice is, as opposed to ordinary negligence? The question is an important one for victims because different laws and rules may apply to each one. Let’s say …

Are Schools Liable for Bullying Violence Against Students?

Bullying is a serious topic that goes beyond the law and has an impact on lives that often cannot be repaired. Our society cannot function in the face of bullying, and bullying can have an effect on children that often can endure beyond the physical trauma. We tend to think of bullying as a matter of “child on child,” that …