When we think of expert witnesses, we often think of needing them to determine who was liable for an accident or to testify as to how products, manufacturing, or chemicals work, or to testify about complex government or municipal codes or regulations. Sometimes we think of them as doctors, testifying on the severity, cause, nature and extent of someone’s injuries. …
No Warning Labels on Products Can Lead to a Failure to Warn Lawsuit
The number of warnings that we see on everyday products that we buy in stores has almost become a running joke. From the well-known “do not try this at home” to the often mocked “do not eat” instruction on products that we do not assume anyone would ever try to eat, the warnings are everywhere. Often, they are so long …
Boating Safety Should Not be Ignored
Although Florida seems hotter than anywhere else in the country, what makes Florida summers unique is how long they last. Unlike in other parts of the country, as a chill starts to hit the air, in Florida, we still have many more months of summer-like weather. With that extended time period comes more time for summer recreation activities. One such …
Can a 911 Operator be Sued for Negligence?
When we think of first responders, we normally think of public servants such as police officers or the fire department. We do not often think of 911 operators, who, despite not physically being at the scene of an emergency, are often the first and most important link to getting help where its needed. Of course most 911 operators do a …
How is a Personal Injury Case Valued?
One of the most common questions personal injury attorneys get asked accident victims what their case is worth, or how much they can expect to recover in a personal injury lawsuit. Victims often have misperceptions of value based on what a relative or friend recovered, or even based on verdicts or settlements that they read about in the media. Law …
NBA Coach Steve Kerr’s Medical Problems Mirror Those of Accident Victims
NBA players will be returning the training camp again, and many people agree that the Golden State Warriors will be the most competitive, if not the best team in the league. Their dominance has been led by head coach and former player Steve Kerr. Kerr has been on and off the sideline during the previous few years, often too injured …
Artificial Turf Battle Shows Importance of Science in Products Liability Lawsuits
When we think of the words “turf wars,” we often think of conflicts over property, or, in a sports environment, battles on the football field. In an example of how everyday products can be harmful, the term is now being used to define a series of lawsuits that are challenging the health and safety of artificial turf, or Astroturf. What …
Your Body Position Can Cause Injury When Airbags Deploy
Your car is a technological marvel, with safety features that you probably do not even know that it has. Many newer cars are like computers on wheels, that not only protect you in the event of an accident, but that actively take measures to avoid a crash from happening in the first place. Despite these advancements, one of the most …
Showing Future Lost Wages or Lost Earning Capacity can be Difficult
Lost wages are a vital part of an injury claim. One very difficult part of recovering these damages is proving what will happen to a victim’s ability to work far into the future. A recent case is a reminder of how important it is to provide sufficient evidence to a jury as to a victim’s inability to continue to work …
What Causes Falls by Nursing Home Residents?
When our loved ones in nursing homes are injured, the first question that many of us ask is how the accident that caused the injury was allowed to happen. In an institution with around the clock nursing care and therapists and medical personnel on staff, it can be hard to imagine how some patients end up injured. The fact that …