Case Allows Verdict to Stand After Juror Tweets About Case

Our system of justice depends on our jury system; it is written into our constitution and fundamental to our democracy. A fair trial by a jury requires that those jurors remain fair, impartial, and without bias as much as possible. That is why, before an injury trial, extensive questioning of potential jurors is conducted by the attorneys on both sides. …

Recent Case Highlights Breach of Duty Problems in Car Accident Cases

Sometimes the law gets so complex that common sense goes out the window. Strained legal definitions and analysis can lead to results that go contrary to what we expect. A recent case in California involving a car accident in which a driver allegedly ran a stop sign but was found not liable for the victim’s injuries, is a good example …

Government Restricts Use of Arbitration in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

The federal government has stepped in to try to rectify a big advantage that nursing homes have traditionally had against those whom allege that they or ones they love have been victimized or abused while in those nursing homes. The new regulation, which severely limits the use of arbitration clauses, threatens to hit nursing homes in their pockets if they …

Collecting On The Judgment or Settlement From Personal Injury Case

When you are injured in an accident and sue a negligent party for damages, you would be correct in thinking that a large hurdle is actually winning your case. Get beyond the liability issues, prove negligence, demonstrate how you were injured, and persuade a jury in a trial, and the check that represents your damage award comes in the mail. …

The Increased Risks of Car Accidents During the Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us, and along with holiday cheer comes an increased risk of car accidents on our roadways. At this time more than ever, the importance of remaining diligent on our roadways is paramount, as the combination of factors unique to the holiday season can lead to a dangerous situation behind the wheel. Florida is being hit hard …

That Cruise Ticket Can Make Your Injury Case Difficult

So you are ready for a vacation, and you have decided that you want to indulge in the luxury and relaxation of a cruise. You book your travel, and your ticket is full of a bunch of tiny writing that you figure is filled with information on meal seating times, or other details that you already know or you don …

Lane Departure Car Accidents Can Be Serious and Deadly

When we think about car accidents, we usually think of the two most prevalent kind of accidents. They include rear-end accidents, or intersection accidents, where someone runs a red light or stop sign. But there is another, common and often very deadly type of car accident: Lane departure accidents. Why are Lane Departure Cases so Serious? Lane Departure accidents are …

Current Research Demonstrates Special Problems When Children Sustain Brain Injuries

When children are victims of injuries at the hands of another, the results can be particularly devastating. That child may be facing a lifetime of disability, or perhaps the loss of a dream of one day accomplishing a personal goal because of the injury. Children’s bodies are particularly vulnerable to injury, as their systems are still growing and forming, and …

Car Accidents vs. Car Crashes: Is There a Difference?

In the English language, the words we use can import specific meanings. Balancing between strict definitions and semantics can lead to differing and confusing interpretations of common words. Nowhere do words matter more than in the law, where how language and words are used can be the difference between an accident victim recovering for injuries or being left without recovery. …